Wednesday, November 25, 2015

New e-Commerce System with Big Data and Virtual Personal Assitant - my Innovation and Creation Online

"I have talent for new creation, not only by what all I write,but with my creativity online, for new e-commerce system, for new e-commerce growth, my Virtual Personal Assistant, on your smart phones, have ways to my success only, as my innovation new with Big Data, make growth with my talent tips,and all new e-commerce system many, and all for online digital growth"

At times I think of Thomas Alva Edison and this mindset which was full of innovative thoughts and ideas for creation, I think of Bill Gates and the now famous Steves and Ronald of Apple,
they are the people whom I follow for my own creation and innovation new, for I must do thing which should lead me to success, and it should be for good of mankind to follow and achieve more growth with their own talent.
Now my mailbox is always full and people want to talk with me, media want my appointments, for which I don't have time now, people want to award me, that I don't want now as those are of no value to me, as I am a missionary with my mission for success with my new creation the Virtual Speaking Avatar Personal Assistant. ( See all about it in my Previous Post ). I operate in my own ways for creation of new e-commerce system with my talent.
my innovation and creation of virtual personal assistant on Smar Phones with new innovative thoughts and ideas for digital age growth for success using my own talent and technology.

Online tips for talent today for creation of Virtual Personal Assistant in Smart ways with my Innovative thoughts and Ideas for Success and Growth in Digital new e-Commerce System: 

Virtual Personal Assistant Innovation with my innovative ways and innovative thoughts and ideas online shared as tips for talent growth with smart technology for success in digital age and Big Data creation

There are no better  ways for success than success itself, after achieving success online I suggest the talent today to build their own virtual speaking Avatars as their personal assistant on their smart phones, and program it to buy online everything from all e-commerce platforms of a particular website as I have programed my Virtual Personal Assistant to do it for me, from this particular blog itself, where I shared my innovative thoughts and ideas. I have tied up with some reputed corporate houses to do the job for me and I am buying the shares/stocks of those companies from the market daily. These are my personal ways of achieving success with my own innovative thoughts and ideas.

New  e-commerce system all over the world will now go for changes following this innovation and creation online, as new tie ups will come in force. Companies who all leaders in Big Data creation will fly in stock market online along with those involved in Smart Phone technology. You all, my dear readers will soon get my Virtual Personal Assistant enabled smart phones in the market soon or you may collect it online from the e-commerce sites linked in this blog.

Impact of my Virtual Personal Assistant on Smart Phones and new e-commerce system is going to be multiold as the response code it need, to be operative from your smart phones is the -  secret, as also the connectivity code for e-commerce sites, of my new innovation the Virtual Personal Assistant for New e-commerce system online in digital age with my innovative thoughts and ideas online, being shared regularly as on line tips for talent growth, to achieve success with Big Data and new technology online.

 It will be great if all my readers and viewers choose this platform to shop online for all of their needs, as the money share I may receive will be donated for charity and development of more talent resource to serve the mankind. I request my readers and viewers to share this post in social medias for your followers and friends in facebook,Twitter, Google+ and all other online social media platforms to contribute for the development of mankind online.

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